Things that drive me insane....can you relate to any of these?
*Getting up at 1:00 in the morning to go to the bathroom and stepping in cat my bare feet. Now I understand cats gotta do what they gotta do. However...must they fling cat litter halfway across the bathroom. Thinking it might be time to potty train the cats.
*People who post EVERY last detail of their life, problems, aches and pains, etc on facebook and myspace. Like seriously, there are just some things that aren't meant to be shared, some things that people have no desire to hear about and don't care to hear about. Take an amazing vacation? Then yes! Post away, let's see some pictures. Got a hangnail and want people to feel bad for you....think again.
*Unsolicitated parenting advice...from people who don't even have children. I don't care if you work with kids, have a degree in child development, or whatever. You can't even BEGIN to understand what it's like to have your own child until you become a parent. All those "Well when I have kids this, this, and this is gonna happen" go right out the window. Think you can do better? Take my child for a week and let me know how you make it.
*People who don't say "Thank you" when you hold the door open for them at a store or restaurant. Really? Have manners gone the way of stirrup pants? Or when they walk into a store right in front you, see you coming and just let the door shut on you. And people wonder why kids are so rude...look at their examples.
*Being stared at. Number one pet peeve, hands down. As Jeremy tells me, "You wouldn't know they were staring at YOU if you wouldn't be staring at THEM." No. You can tell when someone is staring at you and it drives me nuts. Wanna compliment me? Talk to me? Yell at me? Then just freakin' do it, cause otherwise you're ticking me off.
*Parents who scream and slap their kids in public. So NOT the place to do it. Number one, you're humiliating not only yourself, but your child. Feel the need to disicipline them? Take them to the bathroom or outside to the car. Don't call them every name in the book and curse at them where half the store can hear you. You end up looking like a fool...and sounding like one as well. And it makes other people wonder how you treat your kids at home if you can be so cruel and malicious in public.
*Attention whores. People who do whatever they can to get attention, which are usually the same people who post every last detail of their life on facebook. Or the people who can't stand having someone else get attention for even a second. They always have to find some way to "one-up" them. You sick? I'm sicker? Does your job suck? Mine is worse. Is your child a brat? let me tell you about mine.Just buy a house? Check out my new place. New car? Well look what I just drove home. Or the people who just constantly mope around, "Poor poor me, look at horrible me life is." ME. ME. ME. That's what it boils down to. I don't know if these people are that selfish or just that insecure that they have to constantly be in the spotlight.
*When the audio and visual on a tv show or movie are out of sync. I can't stand seeing the people's mouth move and then 5 seconds later the sound comes out. Surely in today's world of technology there has to be a way to fix that, no?
Now...for things that I absolutely ADORE:
*Christmas. The music, the lights, the decorations. Buying presents for my child (and other beloved folks in my life). Sure...half the population is extra grouchy, but there's that other half who share in the same magic of the holiday as I do. When you have a child, that magic is magnified times 10...
*The beach. The sun, the sand, the ocean, the boardwalk. *sigh* I don't even care that my hair goes haywire when I'm there, I'm too busy loving every minute of being there.
*When my son speaks. He has a better vocabulary then some adults. And the facial expressions when he talks...oh my. Example of some of his finer moments:
~ to his 6 year old cousin when he wanted on her swing, "Ain't fair Emmy, I swing."
~ While eating a green apple popsicle "I not like that, it's sour." This is one of those "gotta see the facial expressions" moments.
~When he asked his daddy "Daddy got a peckie? I see it." Jeremy was not amused.
~ To cars that go up and down our road, "Slow down fast car, cop get you." ahaha
*Reading those horrid gossip magazines. I get lost reading about Brad and Angelina, the next Teen Mom, or who is dating who. It's my escape from reality.
*Speaking of me some reality tv. Big Brother, Survivor, Jerseylicious, and yes, even some of those horrendous shows on MTV.